Organic Farming Forum



Register NOW for the

Organic Farming Forum:
Resources, Research and Marketing for Organic
Agriculture In Kansas

Tuesday, November 13, Salina, Ks.
9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
at the
Quality Inn, conference room
2110 West Crawford, St.
Salina, Ks. 
Registration cost: $15 per person  
(Covers Lunch, snacks and hand-out material)
Deadline for meal registration is Thursday November 8 


The Kansas Rural Center is sponsoring an "Organic Farming Forum: Resources, Research and Marketing Opportunities for Organic Agriculture in Kansas"
on Tuesday, November 13, 2012 in Salina, Kansas at the Quality Inn.  The day-long forum will provide resources, information and networking opportunities for existing and beginning organic farmers, and conservation professionals, as well as anyone else interested in learning more about organic farming.
Come join us to meet and share experiences and information with other organic farmers. Listen to an organic certification inspector give pointers on organic certification. Hear about current markets and prices. Discuss basic organic farming practices and find out where you can learn more.  Learn how as a beginning farmer, organic practices can offer you an entry into farming. Participate in a roundtable discussion of production issues, marketing and research needs with organic farmers, researchers and marketing experts.
Keynote Speaker: Dr. Michel Cavigelli,
lead scientist for USDA's Farming Systems Research Project at Beltsville, MD, will talk about the status of USDA organic research as well as research around the country.  The major focus of USDA's long-term field cropping systems study is to evaluate the sustainability of no-till, conventional till, and organic cropping systems by looking at the agronomic performance, nutrient dynamics and soil biological activity.
Workshops sessions will focus on the challenges and opportunities for organic farming including crop rotation basics, organic cropping system plans, USDA NRCS resources available for organic farmers, and marketing opportunities. The day will conclude with a roundtable of farmers, researchers and others  on the challenges and needs facing organic farmers including drought management, production issues and research needs.
Forum registration is just $15 per person, which covers lunch and snacks for the day.The deadline for RSVP for lunch and registration is Thursday November 8.

How to Register: You can register online by clicking below, or go to to the KRC website at for a printable form to mail in.
Co sponsors of the forum are the Kansas Center for Sustainable Agriculture and Alternative Crops and the Kansas Organic Producers Association.
Kansas Organic Producers Annual Meeting:  KOP  is also holding its annual meeting the following day, November 14, so the Quality Inn is providing a conference rate for those interested in lodging to stay on for the KOP meeting.  Contact the Quality Inn directly at 785-285-2111 to make reservations. Tell them you are with the Organic Forum.


For more information, contact  Mary Fund at the Kansas Rural Center at 785-873-3431, or at

You can also visit the Kansas Rural Center website for more information at

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