Food Bank Works Towards Health Goals


As the state of the economy is a near daily topic for the national news, addressed by those seeking to become President, local households are among those who actually feel the affects, as household incomes, in many instances, are making it more difficult to properly plan for day to day food needs.
Among those leading the charge on the local front to see that meal time needs are met is the Second Harvest Food Bank.
The Saint Joseph, Missouri based organization, working to promote hunger-free communities, provides, through partner agencies, the nourishment necessary to keep those in need fed locally.
To start the new year, in an effort to achieve new goals, the agency has enlisted the help of Jessica Hagey, a dietician from Heartland Regional Health Center in Saint Joseph.
She is assisting Second Harvest in working to educate about the connection between proper eating and illness(Play Audio 38 secs)
Hagey says she's working with Second Harvest to see that low income residents don't go hungry, but through low cost nutritious methods, instead of sometimes cheaper, but less healthy alternatives(Play Audio 36 secs)
Hagey's work with Second Harvest comes as the agency begins a strong push to see that area residents not only receive the food they need, but also the education required to make certain that healthy meal time planning is being completed.
Second Harvest is responsible for local hunger prevention, providing a number of services, including the school age Back Pack Buddies program, in use in local schools.


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