Riverside Decison Could Come Monday

Superintendent Mike Newman

Working with three possibilities for grade reconfiguration, the Riverside USD 114 Board of Education could make a decision Monday evening(Play Audio :07 seconds)
That's Superintendent Mike Newman, who outlines the potential changes, or lack thereof, that will be considered by the school board(Play Audio :28 seconds)
Newman says no matter which grade configuration is decided, there will be gains, and losses(Play Audio :35 seconds)
Monday evening's meeting, to be held in Elwood, at the east campus cafeteria, will begin with a public hearing at 5:30. 
Riverside District patrons will be able to provide their input, and feelings, regarding the three possibilities considered by the Board of Education.
When the hearing concludes, at 6:15, the evening will continue with the regular meeting of the board, including the expected vote on how to proceed.
On Thursday evening, the Board of Education held a fact finding meeting, setting the stage for Monday.

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