***Closings***    Harvesters Distribution at Nemaha Comm. Center cancelled Wednesday also at Sabetha ***
" Thoughtful Giving Day" a big success

(KNZA)--The Jackson County Community Foundation's third annual “ Thoughtful Giving Day, was a big success.

The Foundation announced Monday that 444 gifts totaling more than $136,000 were given to benefit 32 funds. Donations were taken both in-person and on-line.

The donations were matched with $115,000 in funding, providing more than $251,000 to help fund local projects.

The Beck-Bookman Library fund generated the largest amount of donations, totaling more than $27,000.

That was followed the Jackson County Ministerial Alliance Christmas Bureau fund, which received donations totaling nearly $11,000 and Vets Club Renovation fund, which received more than $10,000 in donations.

You can find the complete list of donations made to all the participating charitable funds by going to thoughtfulgivingday.com and clicking leaderboard.

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