Make Home Page
Click on the Button to add as a home page in Microsoft Edge
  1. Open Microsoft Edge, select Settings and more > Settings .
  2. Select Appearance.
  3. Turn on Show home button.
  4. You can either choose New tab page or select Enter  ''  for a page that you want to use as your home page.
How to Set Your Browser Start Page in Firefox
  1. Click on the Firefox icon to start up your browser.
  2. Navigate to  '' .
  3. At the top of your browser window, you'll see the Firefox tool bar (this includes the words "File", "Edit", etc.). Click on Tools, then Options.
  4. The popup window will open up with the default option of General. At the top of the window, you'll see "Home Page Locations." If you're satisfied with the page you're currently at and would like to set it as your Home Page, click on "Use Current Page."
How to Set Your Home Page in Opera
  1. While in Opera, click on Tools, then click on Preferences.
  2. Find the General tab and click on it.
  3. Find the section marked "Home Page".
  4. Replace the existing URL with  '' , or click "Current" to choose the website you're on right now.
How to Change Your Google Chrome Home Page
  1. On the Google Chrome browser toolbar, click the icon that looks like a wrench.
  2. Click on "Options".
  3. Select "Basics".
  4. Here, you have several options for your home page. You can set your home page with  '' , you can add the "Home" button to your Chrome browser toolbar so you can access that page at any time, and you can also select if you want your home page to be the page that automatically starts up when you initially open Google Chrome.