Major Thefts Reported In Nemaha County, KS

(KMZA)--The Nemaha County Sheriff's Department is investigating two recent thefts, including one involving expensive heavy equipment stolen in rural Seneca. 

According to a press release from the Sheriff's Office, it happened sometime between last Wednesday and Saturday at 778 160th Road. 

It was there that someone apparently entered the property and stole a Bobcat Skidsteer loader and a Chicago Electric Generator, with the two items valued at 9-thousand-950-dollars. 

The investigation is continuing into the burglary and theft. 

In a separate incident, the Sheriff's Office is searching for whoever's responsible for 75 gallons of missing diesel fuel stolen in rural Sabetha. 

The crime occurred sometime between last Wednesday and Saturday, with someone trespassing on the property located at 1952 V Road.  

The cost of the stolen diesel fuel is estimate at 327-dollars, with the investigation into the case continuing. 


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