New Role For Former Atchison Co Sheriff

John Calhoon

(KNZA)--Former Atchison County Sheriff John Calhoon begins a new chapter in his long time law enforcement career, following his ouster from the Sheriff's seat in the November elections. 

Calhoon had served in that position for over 18-years, and had, once voters decided to elect his challenger Jack Laurie, wondered what would come next for him once he left office in January(Play Audio)

It didn't take long for Calhoon to receive an answer; and while it's not exactly inside the Atchison community, the job's not far, with Jackson County Sheriff Tim Morse naming him as the new jail administrator for Jackson County. 

The hire was made public Monday during the regular meeting of the Jackson County Commission. 

Calhoon officially begins working in his new role Friday at a starting annual salary of just over 40-thousand-dollars. 

It's not yet clear when, or if, Calhoon plans to relocate to Jackson County as part of his new duties. 

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