Falls City Receives Governors Showcase Community Award
New Legion Ball Park
CGB Project Underway

 (KLZA) Nebraska Governor Dave Heineman kicked off the celebration of Community Development Week in Nebraska Tuesday by naming Falls City as the 2013 Governor’s Showcase Community Award Winner.  

During the award ceremony, Falls City was described as one of the best small communities in the state, having a greater than five year track record at establishing and cementing valuable partnerships among citizens, business owners, and local and state governmental organizations.

Noted was the Consolidated Grain and Barge project currently being constructed on a 162-acre area on the south edge of Falls City.

The new sports complex including baseball and softball fields, which is nearing completion and will be in use this summer.

and Falls City’s Main Street district, which was recently spruced up thanks to a $573,000 Downtown Revitalization Streetscape project.