Hiawatha School Board Cuts 3 Teaching Positions

( KNZA )-The Hiawatha Board of Education has approved a number of budget cuts for next school year--including the elimination of three teaching positions.
The board took the action following a closed door session Monday evening.
Superintendent Penny Hargrove says the positions cut include a kindergarten teaching position and a second grade teaching position. Those positions were added last year in order to deal with a larger than average enrollment in those grades. Also she said the district will not be filling the
Title 1 math position at the middle school held by Angie Taft. Taft submitted her resignation last month.  
Also cut was the middle school wrestling program, which was just re-instated last year as a cooperative with Horton after being cut two years prior.
Hargrove said the cuts are due to an around $100,000 increase in the of cost of insurance. She said employee health insurance has increased 12.7 percent and the district's other insurance—including liability, property, vehicle and workers compensation—has jumped 12 percent. 
In other business, the board accepted the resignation of School of Success teacher Marla Olson effective at the end of the current school year.  Hargrove was given permission to advertise to fill the position.  

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