New Economic Development District Proposed

 ( Kmza )--Representatives of the Glacial Hills RC & D Board met with the Nemaha County Commission this week to discuss the possible establishment of a new economic development district
Eight counties currently not covered by an existing economic development district are being targeted.   They include Brown, Douglas, Franklin, Jackson, Jefferson, Nemaha, Osage and Shawnee.
Plans are to seek a matching grant through the U.S. Economic Development Administration to assist with the development of a comprehensive economic development strategies plan for the region.  The grant funding would provide for hiring a staff person to lead the planning process.
Glacial Hills RC&D Director Gary Satter said they would like commissioners to attend an informational meeting in July where the issue will be discussed further.
In other business, members of the Northeast Kansas Facilitation board and Enterprise Facilitator Teresa McAnerney met with the commission to requesting 21-hundred dollars in funding from Nemaha County for 2014.
Commissioners will consider the request when setting the county’s 2014 budget.

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