Hiawatha School Resource Officer on Hold

 ( KNZA )-Citing budget concerns, the Hiawatha School Board has decided against giving their approval at this time to a grant application for the hiring of a school resource officer.
Police Chief John Defore appeared before the board Monday evening seeking approval to apply for a grant through the U.S. Bureau of Justice that would fund 75 percent of the wages and benefits of the officer for three years.  Defore said the city would pay the remaining 25 percent, with no cost to the school district.   The city commission gave their  approval last week.
Defore said the grant requires that the position be maintained for a fourth year, and the $47,000 cost during the fourth year would be split between the city and school district.
Board members voiced concerns about making a commitment when they don’t know what the district’s financial picture will look like in the future.  In addition, they said if the money was available they would prefer it go toward the hiring of a teacher.
Defore said the grant is available each year, and Board President Dave Thompson said the board will look at it again in another year.
In the meantime, Defore says he would like to re-establishment a DARE program at the elementary and middle schools and will be coming back before the board at a future meeting for their approval.

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