Ag Secretary: Climate Change Responsible for Disasters

(KTNC) - The U-S Ag Secretary is blaming global climate change for a list of disasters in Nebraska and across the Midwest, including forest fires, flooding, and drought.
 Secretary Tom Vilsack is joining President Obama in his call for a new “Climate Action Plan.” Vilsack says the impact of climate change on the Midwest was evident during a visit with the president along the Iowa-Nebraska border last year.   (play audio   :16    “80 years.”)
 Vilsack says last year’s drought was the worst in eight decades and it was exceptionally expensive.   (play audio   :19    “crop production.”)
 Vilsack also blames climate change for conditions that led to hundreds of wildfires in Nebraska and other states, especially during the record drought of 2012.  (play audio   :20    “warmer temperatures.”)
 Vilsack says USDA is working to help rural communities reduce carbon emissions by moving away from fossil fuels to alternatives like wind power.

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