Federal Food Safety Modernization Act

The federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is seeking comments from the public on new  proposed regulations by November 15.  FDA is proposing new rules and regulations that will have a huge impact on how fruits and vegetables are grown and processed in this country. 

At a time when we have made huge strides across the country and in Kansas to have fresh, local food available in our communities, this progress could be wiped out by regulations that unfairly burden the producers. While we all support making food safe and healthy for our families and friends and want to  do all we can to offer safe fruits and vegetables, the proposed rules and regulations threaten to unfairly burden small producers, sustainable, organic, and local producers.

According to the National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition (NSAC) who has been studying the proposed rules for months now, the proposed rules as written will:

* Put many farms out of business;
* Reduce the supply of fresh, local produce in schools and hospitals;
* Push farmers to tear out wildlife habitat; and
* Increase the use of chemicals rather than natural fertilizers.

 If you operate a business that grows and sells fresh produce - and/or processes, packs, manufactures, or holds food - you should read the following information, as your business may be affected by these proposed rules. Some businesses may not be affected at all, some may be affected by one rule, and some may be affected by both rules.

The National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition has information available for you as a farmer or processor or a consumer to take action to support reasonable food safety rules, including how to submit comments  To get informed, if you are a farmer or processor, click HERE for more information including sample comments.  If you are a consumer, click Here for more information.

NSAC also has an online petition you can sign. Go to

Everyone has a role in ensuring our nation's food is safe - from the farmers who grow it to the folks who take it home and prepare it. But unless we act now, these new rules will have a devastating impact on the farmers and businesses responsible for putting fruits, vegetables, and other healthy foods on America's dinner plates - which, in turn, affects our health and well being.  

To ensure that the rules are written in a way to protect small family farmers, direct marketers, local and organic producers, farmers, FDA's new food safety rules must:

*Allow farmers to use sustainable farming practices, including those already allowed and encouraged by existing federal organic standards and conservation programs.
*Ensure that diversified and innovative farms, particularly those pioneering models for increased access to healthy, local foods, continue to grow and thrive without being stifled.
*Provide options that treat family farms fairly, with due process and without excessive costs.

If you are concerned about protecting the availability of local, fresh fruits and vegetables, speak up now!

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