Atchison City Commission Makes A Decision On Interlocal Agreement

(KAIR)--The Atchison city commission has been working with the Atchison county commission and the solid waste committee for several weeks on passing an interlocal agreement for a solid waste sales tax and joint communications. The commission voted 5-0 during their meeting Monday to adopt the joint resolution, but as Atchison City Manager Trey Cocking says, the original proposal needed revising before it could be considered. The original proposal asked for an additional $108,000 in additional funding from the city through a tipping fee. However, two weeks ago, two members of the city commission met with city staff, county staff, the chairs of the solid waste committee, and Atchison county commissioner Jeff Schuele to revise the proposal to only require $40,000 in additional funds from the city, to be paid for by a $12.50 per ton tipping fee.

The commission also addressed the current proposal to remove the stoplight from the intersection of 4th and Main and make it a four way stop. Cocking says the city has received mostly positive feedback on the issue, and will be moving forward with the project soon.

Also during the meeting, the commission voted 5-0 to accept resolution 2921, which addresses the city's purchasing card policies and procedures. This is mostly an internal procedure regulating how city employees handle purchases and purchasing cards.
No action was taken by the commission on a proposal to give city employees a personal day if they agreed to donate .05% of their salary to the United Way. This proposal will be revisited at a later time.

Finally, the commission appointed Joe Perkins to the electrical board and Stephanie Leaf to the housing authority board. Both appointments expire in July of 2015.


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