911 Dispatchers Could See An Upgrade

(KAIR)--It is hard to argue that the 911 system is not important, that's why the possible update to the St. Joseph 911 dispatch equipment comes as welcome news.

According to KQ2-TV, dispatchers could see an upgrade to their current system in the near future.

The St. Joseph City council will meet Monday to decide on a bill that could make nearly $27,000 available for computer upgrades at the police department.
If the bill is approved, the upgrade would be the first for the system in seven years. Officials say that the updates are needed to bring the 911 service up to the standards set by current technology.

Captain Mike Wilson, with the police department says that the hardware and software upgrades will enable the system to do such things as receive texts, and that it will bring it into the next generation of 911 call systems.

The total cost estimate for the project is expected to be $116,000

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