Falls City High School Starting One-to-One iPad Initiative

(KTNC) - The Falls City School District is implementing an initiative that will give all high school students an iPad beginning next semester.

It’s called the tigIR’s - pronounced tiger's - Learning Initiative and is part of the district’s strategic plan.  Superintendent Tim Heckenlively says they hope using the devices makes students more “information literate” and helps prepare them for future jobs. 

The school district is sending information packets to parents of high school students this week.  The information will explain the initiative, and will include the school district’s policy and guidelines, and paperwork that will have to be returned during the “boot camp” nights in early December. 

That's when parents and students will go to the high school auditorium and go through a couple learning sessions before the school issues the iPads to the students.

The boot camp nights are scheduled December 9 for juniors and seniors, December 11 for freshmen and sophomores, and December 18 for any students unable to attend one of the first two sessions.  All sessions will begin at 6:00 p.m.

Heckenlively says that High School teachers have been issued iPads over the last year-and-a-half and have been meeting with ESU representatives to develop lesson plans for the devices.

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