Small Business In The Spotlight Friday

(KAIR)--There are already people camping outside major retailers in anticipation of special Black Friday sales, but what most people may not know, is that there is a lesser known after Thanksgiving shopping day that focuses on the local business. Atchison Chamber of Commerce President Jacque Pregant says the small business is very important, and the chamber is holding an event promoting those businesses. Starting at noon on Saturday, November 30th, they will be setting up a tent at the 600 block of the mall giving away gift certificates.

Pregant says it is not hard at all to get one of those gift certificates for yourself. All you have to do is come to the chamber tent and show a receipt totaling at least $10 from any local business, and you will be given a chance to reach in and draw one gift certificate.

The gift certificates were donated by various local businesses, the city of Atchison community development, and the chamber of commerce. Each certificate will be a minimum of $10, but some could be worth as much as $25. There are also a few that could be chamber gift certificates, which means they are good anywhere in Atchison.

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