Preventive Checks Make Holiday Travel Safer

(KAIR)--The holiday season has started and with that, comes a fair bit of travel. According to Mike Right, Vice President of Public Affairs for the St. Louis AAA office, 90 percent of holiday travelers will be traveling by car. He says that if you're part of that group, it is important that you conduct a few checks on your vehicle before hitting the road. Most importantly, you should check your tires for proper inflation. Also important is checking your engine belts for any signs of tearing or fraying.

Right goes on to say that if you are involved in an auto accident, there are certain steps you need to take to prevent further injury to yourself or damage to your vehicle. The first thing you should do is to move yourself and your vehicle off the road as soon as possible, take care of any injured persons, and ensure that oncoming traffic can see you. Once you are moved off the road, you can then exchange any important information with anyone else involved.
Unfortunately, not everyone follows these rules, and Right says the result can be fatal. He says that one in ten people who are killed in traffic crashes are pedestrians who were not even involved in the initial accident.

Right provides other helpful tips to help you along with your trip including keeping supplies such as kitty litter, a shovel, flashlights, and blankets in your trunk in case your find yourself stranded for an extended amount of time.

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