State Lawmakers Preparing For Busy New Year

(KAIR)--State legislators are already preparing for what appears to be a busy legislative session in Kansas.  Democratic State Representative Jerry Henry, of Cummings, says that a pending decision by the United States Supreme Court on school finance could have major implications on how they start their year. He says that if the court rules that the state has to provide additional funding to schools, then the money will have to come from somewhere, most likely come from revenue increases.

Henry also says that there is the possibility that state revenue could decrease. They have been decreasing revenue over the past couple of years, and most notably have cut income taxes by almost a half billion dollars. Close to 200,000 businesses in Kansas no longer pay income taxes, and a lot of individual taxpayers have seen a decrease in their taxes as well.

Henry says that one way they are trying to compensate for the decreased revenue is by decreasing other budgets.

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