Personal Property Tax Deadline Looming

(KAIR)--Property owners in Atchison County are preparing to pay the tax man. With the end of the year, comes the time when partial payment of personal property tax is due. Atchison County Treasurer Sheila Bilderback says that the first half payment is due by this Friday, and late payment could result in interest being added onto the amount due. However, she also says that taxpayers can pay the full amount all at once if they want to, and not have to worry about it for another year.

Participants in the Neighborhood Revitalization Plan have a special incentive to pay on time. If payment is made on time, they will get a portion of the money collected returned to them, if payment is not made on time, then they will miss out on those returns for this  current year.

The second half personal property tax payment will be due on May 10th 2014.


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