Atchison Chamber Of Commerce An Important Part Of The City

(KAIR)--Atchison residents can take pride in the many activities and attractions their city has to offer, and the Atchison Area Chamber of Commerce plays a very big role in most, if not all of them. Chamber President Jacque Pregant, who has been with the chamber for the past six years, says they play a vital role in community development, and they are different from a lot of other chambers in that the city commission recognized the importance of tourism, and contract with the chamber to provide tourism related services such as marketing and events.

Pregant further states that Atchision has more than a few ways to attract tourists to visit the area, with the major attraction of course being Amelia Earhart, the Atchison/Topeka/Santa Fe railroad and the designation of being the most haunted town in Kansas. Prejaunt says that most towns the size of Atchison do not have the luxury of having this many hooks to attract tourists.

If you would like more information on the Atchison Area Chamber of Commerce, you can give them a call at 913-367-2427

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