Cold Weather Can Dampen The Mood

(KAIR)--It may seem like a strange relation, but cold weather can have an effect on a person's mood.

There are a number of factors that can come together and make someone feel sad, depressed, or lonely. Cindy Whitmer is the Director of the All Faiths Counseling Center and she says that the sun can play a huge role in someone's mood. Sunlight contains vitamin D which has been shown to improve a person's mood. So if you go a long period of time without sunlight exposure due to the weather, this can, of course, make you feel depressed.

Different kinds of weather can also cut people off from the outside world and this can also effect how someone feels. If the weather gets really bad with snow, sleet, or ice, it can force someone to stay indoors for a longer period of time and thus keeping them from the social interactions they may be used to on a daily basis.
There are steps you can take to combat the cold weather blues. Whitmer says one is simply ingesting more vitamin D, either in pill or food form, or you can even purchase a sun lamp and expose yourself to artificial sunlight for about ten minutes a day.

Other things you can do include making sure sure you talk regularly with other using texting, e mail, or even skype. If you find that your mood is so bad that you cannot get out of bed, Whitmer strongly suggests that you seek professional help as soon as possible.

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