Cold Weather Affecting Kansas Winter Wheat Crop

(KAIR)--The recent bone chilling weather is not only taking its toll on people, the Kansas winter wheat crop is suffering as well.

Winter wheat can withstand some colder temperatures, and as Atchison County Research and Extension Agent Ray Ladd says, this is one characteristic that makes it different from wheat planted in the spring. Further north, spring wheat, which is planted in the spring and grows through the summer is planted. Winter wheat is planted in the fall and  grows through the winter months.

Ladd further says that while the plant can withstand cold, there are some factors that determine how much damage, if any, it can suffer. Variable such as how much growth the plant has and how how established it is play a large role.

Agriculture experts says that an estimated 15 to 20 percent of winter wheat crops could be damaged. With projected lows well below zero, crops exposed to frigid air can suffer.

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