Atchison City Officials Urge Residents To Protect Their Pipes

(KAIR)--The weather outside is indeed frightful, and officials across the local area are urging people to stay indoors if at all possible. However, it is also important to remember that you need to keep your home warm, as well as yourself in these conditions. The city of Atchison has issued a release informing residents to ensure their homes, especially water pipes, are taken care of. Pipes in older homes and mobile homes may be most at risk due to inadequate insulation around the pipe. Officials give several tips on how you can best protect your pipes.

First, make sure your faucets are dripping at least a small stream the size of a pencil. Water circulation will help prevent frozen pipes. Also, do not be afraid to turn up the thermostat, the extra cost will be a lot less than it would cost you to replace your pipes. You can also open cabinets under sinks to allow warm air to circulate around the pipes.

If freezing does occur. DO NOT use an open flame to thaw them. A house fire will cost you a lot more than a frozen pipe. If you must, use a hair dryer but never leave it unattended.

City utility staff is available to help with any problems from 8:00AM-5:00PM weekdays by calling 913-367-5561, or by calling 913-367-4323 after hours, holidays, and weekends.


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