[Video] Portion of Rulo Bridge Imploded Sunday Morning

(KLZA) -- With one blast the portion of the 74-year old bridge over the main navigation channel of the Missouri River at Rulo fell into the river just past 8  Sunday morning.  

Mike Habegger with the Nebraska Department of Roads said everything went as planned.  Despite efforts to keep the blast a secret an estimated 400 to 500 people watched from various vantage points as the crew from Houston, Texas-based DHI brought down the first section of the bridge.

Crews are now using cranes on barges to remove the steel from the river, having just 24 hours to remove the bridge.  Two more sections will be imploded.  The next blast is likely a couple of weeks away.

The price tag to remove the bridge is $1.73-million.  

Pictures, and videos, accompanying this story were provided by Randy and Lori Gottula.