State Lawmakers Await Supreme Court Decision

(KAIR)--Sit, wait, and hope for the best.
That's the attitude most state legislators are adopting as they await a decision from the State Supreme Court regarding education funding. Democratic State Representative Jerry Henry says he is worried about the consequences if the court waits much longer to hand down their decision. He's concerned that if they wait much longer, then it would be pretty easy for the legislature to say there is not enough time to react, since the budget has already been proposed by Governor Sam Brownback, It would be very difficult to make any needed changes if they do not hear from the court soon.

Henry says there are many different directions the court could go with their ruling. For one, they could just revert it back to the lower court to review, which would give legislators time to make any potential changes. They could also decide that lawmakers need to revert to a previous law that has been passed, which says about a couple hundred dollars per student needs to be put back into the budget, but give them three or four year to do that, which would give them time to adjust the budget as well.

Henry says that if it is decided more money needs to go to eduction, the money would either come from increased revenue through tax increases or from decreasing other budgets.


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