Emergency Operations Plan Put Into Place For Atchison County

(KAIR)--Atchison County is preparing for the worst.

County commissioners passed a resolution during their meeting Tuesday afternoon approving the Atchison County Emergency Operations Plan. Commission Chair Jeff Schuele says it has taken nearly two years to finalize the plan and clearly outlines what needs to be done in the case of an emergency, such as who is responsible for what, and what resources are available for use. Multiple entities came together to put it together under the direction of County Emergency Operations Manager Wes Lander. After the Kansas Department of Emergency Management reviewed the plan, they indicated that it was probably the best, and most detailed plan they have ever seen.

Schuele says there will be a copy of the plan on the county's website in the near future for residents to view, though there will be some details that can't be shown for safety and security reasons.

The plan went into effect as soon as the resolution was passed.

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