Democratic Senate Candidate Campaigns in Auburn

(KTNC) --  The Democrat running for Nebraska’s open U.S. Senate seat concluded a weeklong campaign swing through the state Sunday.  Dave Domina made several stops, including in Auburn where he spoke to a small gathering at the Hickory Road Barbecue. 
 Domina is an attorney who lives in Omaha. He was born and raised in Cedar County Nebraska. 
 Domina said he thinks he can win the Senate race because Nebraskans are looking for a “different kind of Senator.”  In his view, Domina said Nebraskans are not looking for another "me too" Senator who will simply toe a party line. 
 After his campaign kick-off tour through the state, including western Nebraska, Domina said he thinks he can also do well in the heavily Republican 3rd Congressional District as well as in metropolitan areas of Omaha and Lincoln. 
 Domina talked about his priority issues.  He said military strength is a priority and just as important for a country is equality of opportunity.  He said anti-trust laws need to be reinvigorated to rein in the power of big banks in the nation's economy.
 Domina said the Farm Bill needs to be passed, and he criticized Nebraska’s current Congressional delegation for not aggressively pushing for Farm Bill passage in Washington.
 Domina is the only Democrat running for the seat being vacated by Republican Senator Mike Johanns, who is not running for another term.  Four Republicans are also seeking their party’s nomination in May’s primary election.

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