Groundhog Not Seen As An Acurate Meteorologist

(KAIR)--Every year, a groundhog exits his home on the second day of February. If he happens to spot his shadow, it is supposed to mean that we are due for six more weeks of winter. However, K-State Climatologist Mary Knapp says the accuracy of these predictions vary. Organizers of the biggest Groundhog Day event say the accuracy rate is between 79% and 90%. Several independent reviews from the National Climatic Data Center suggest the accuracy rate is closer to 33% to 39%, which is not significantly different from chance.

Knapp says that a prediction of six more weeks of winter is not particularly risky, since the official start of spring is about seven weeks away.

This year, the groundhog did see his shadow, which means we are in for another six weeks of winter weather.

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