Horton Revitalization Reevaluated

(KNZA)--An eleven member committee is now in place to provide input into Horton's future. 

That comes as part of the ongoing effort to bring new life to the city's downtown business district, launched when the struggling community caught the attention of businessman and television host Marcus (Luh-moan-us) Lemonis. 

Work has begun in the effort, with business owners last week providing their input on how to proceed. 

That includes the formation of the committee, as well as a long list of possible improvement steps. 

City Mayor Tim Lentz, during last week's meeting, announced that one option explored early on will not happen. Proposed was the city purchase of all downtown business buildings, which Lentz says is impossible due to budget constraints and the necessary continual upkeep of the buildings. Additionally, Lentz says Lemonis will not, at this time, initiate funding for the city's overhaul until he sees more progress from the community. 

In order to make that happen, Lentz says residents can't rely solely on the City Commission to make change happen. Instead, that must be a group effort throughout the whole community. 

Meanwhile, a Capital Project Fund has been put in place at Union State Bank in Horton. 

It will allow residents, and others, to make contributions to the Reinvent Horton campaign. 

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