Brown Co Spelling Bee Champ Heads to State

(KNZA)--Eighth grade Everest Middle School Student Brianna Davis has been practicing, hoping to repeat her Brown County Spelling Bee championship win at the State Spelling Bee in Topeka on Saturday. 

Memories of the Brown County win remain strong with Davis, who says it was her mother's support that helped her to victory with the difficult winning word, dodecahedron, defined as “a three-dimensional shape having twelve plane faces.”

“I was really nervous,” Davis tells MSC News.  “My mom was there and I had her sit in the front so I could look at her while I was spelling so I could look at her while I was spelling. That made it easier, I guess.” 

Despite the win, Davis, who says she loves to read and discover different new words, starts all over in trying to calm her nerves heading into Saturday's competition. “Oh my gosh, I am so nervous! Overly nervous! I've been studying forever and I can't get enough studying in. I feel like I'll be unprepared or something.”  

Despite her nerves and concerns of not being prepared, Davis finds solace in knowing that her number one supporter, her mom, will be there in the crowd in Topeka. 

The State Spelling Bee begins at 1:00 Saturday afternoon at the Seaman Auditorium.  

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