Overexposure To Sun's UV Rays Often Overlooked

(KAIR)--Overexposure to the sun may be more dangerous than you think.

As temperatures start to rise, more people are likely to get out and enjoy outdoor activities, but with increased exposure to sunlight comes a potential danger not many people may think about.
K-State Climatologist Mary Knapp says exposure to the sun's ultraviolet, or UV radiation can cause immediate effects such as sunburn, and long term effects such as skin cancer and cataracts.  

Knapp says many weather updates include a report on the current UV index, which can give people a good idea on how to protect against overexposure. If the index is moderate or greater, overexposure is a real possibility, even in the winter months. She suggests that you take the proper precautions such as limiting the amount of time you are outside during the middle of the day, wearing protective clothing, and wearing a sunscreen with a sun protective factor, or SPF of at least five.

Knapp says your eyes should also be protected by using UV protective sunglasses.

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