Expert Provides Tips On How To Save Money

(KAIR)--Saving money can be easy, even in difficult financial times.

That, according to K-State Research and Extension Family Resource Managment Specialist Elizabeth Kiss who adds that starting a regular savings and investment plan when you are young is important, even if you start small. She suggests that if you are eligible for any employer sponsored retirement accounts where you get any sort of employer match for whatever you put in, you should take advantage of it.

Kiss says that it may be difficult to save if you are living paycheck to paycheck, but it can be done. You can find additional funds by lowering your housing and transportation costs, which are the two biggest items in a household budget.

Also, she advises that it is alright to increase your spending when your income increases, but try not to overdo it. She says that if you get a raise, don't have your lifestyle increase proportionately. Keep living below your means and bank the rest.

For more information on how you can better manage your family's finances, you can go to your local county or district extension office, or by visiting


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