Mound City Aldermen Hold Budget Hearing

(KTNC) -  Mound City Aldermen reviewed the proposed budget and capital expenditures for the next fiscal year during a public hearing Tuesday night.
 Total projected revenue is just over $1.3 million and operating expenses are a little over one million dollars, plus capital expenditures of $179,500.
 The General Fund budget includes money for a new cruiser for the Police Department.
 The proposed budget includes a transfer of $20,000 from the Park Fund to the Pool Fund to cover operating expenses and improvements at the pool. The council also added $10,000 to the Park Fund for property improvements.
 The Health Fund includes $60,000 for property improvements. This year’s budget includes $50,000 for retaining walls at City Hall Park, though the project has not been started. The total cost for proposed improvements at City Hall Park could add up to $125,000.
 Mayor Chris Krueger suggested foregoing the annual loan payment of $50,000 from the C-I-P fund to the Water fund to finance some street improvements. The loan payment is reimbursement for the 2012 paving project.
 The Water Fund budget also includes a floor drain and a window at the new shop, along with an asphalt drive on the east side of the shop building. Plans also include a new roof at the water plant, $30,000 to purchase a new pickup, and $20,000 to clean the lime pits.
 Aldermen also approved pay raises for city employees. After lengthy discussion, the council approved a three-percent increase to non-seasonal city employees except Police Chief John Panning, who got a pay raise earlier this year. The salary increase is effective July 1.
 Aldermen also agreed to increase the salary of Pool Manager Jill Asher to $575 per week and increase the pay for lifeguards to $7.75 per hour for returning guards and $7.50 for new guards.

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