Mental Health In Spotlight During The Month Of May

(KAIR)--For over sixty years, mental health awareness month has been observed in the month of May. The whole idea behind this initiative is to inform the public about the various aspects of mental health, and what you can do to help yourself or a loved who who may be dealing with it.

David Elsbury is the CEO of Kanza Mental Health, and he says that there are quite a few people in the United States who are effected by some form of mental health issue, and most have lived with it for a very long time. He says that sixty percent of people in the United States  who may be suffering from a mental health problem wait as long as ten years to seek help, and the longer they wait, the more difficult it can be to treat the problem.

Elsbury adds that mental illness can come in a variety of different forms. Some are the result of the choices made by people, some can come from unplanned events that can have an impact on a person's emotions, and some can be caused by physical and genetic problems.

Elsbury says that recent events have made it more difficult to raise awareness for mental illness by raising a negative stigma to mental illness and those suffering from it, though some progress has been made.

Elsbury says that if you know of someone who is dealing with a mental health issue, the best thing you can do is to not be silent, express concern, and not look the other way.

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