Wire Sparklers Now Illegal in Nebraska

(KLZA) -- In approximately three weeks fireworks sales will begin in Nebraska.  The Nebraska State Fire Marshal’s Office reminds everyone that wire sparklers are no longer legal to use, possess, or sell in Nebraska.  Sparklers on wooden sticks are still allowed.

A statute passed in 2010 giving fireworks retailers in Nebraska the opportunity to sell their inventory of wire sparklers before they were banned on January 1, 2014.  Retail fireworks stands in Nebraska can lose their license to sell fireworks, and individuals found to be in possession of wire sparklers can be issued a citation.

For years wire sparklers have been an extremely popular item.  Parents have purchased them for little children to use, however statistical data continues to point to the dangers associated with the use of these metal sparklers.

Sparklers were noted by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) as the leading cause of fireworks injuries in 2011.  Of the 9,600 firework related injuries treated by U.S. hospital emergency rooms, 24 percent were caused by sparklers.

Wire sparklers burn at temperatures that are hot enough to melt glass and are an obvious fire hazard.  The wire handle conducts heat and often results in burns even if the user does not come in direct contact with the burning material. 

According to Lincoln Fire Department’s Chief Inspector Bill Moody, his department experiences multiple injuries from misuse of sparklers every year.


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