Missouri NAACP Pushing to Abolish Death Penalty

JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. (AP) - The Missouri chapter of the NAACP is vowing to mount its "largest-ever effort" to abolish the death penalty in the state.

 The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People has historically opposed the death penalty, partly because of what it says are racial disparities in how it's applied. The Missouri NAAACP says it will spend more time and resources than it ever has to rally people against the death penalty and pressure lawmakers to repeal it. 

Missouri has recently accelerated its pace in executing inmates after several years in which court challenges slowed down the schedule.

The Republican-led Legislature has given no indication that it's likely to repeal the death penalty. 

Gov. Jay Nixon and Attorney General Chris Koster, who are both Democrats, also have supported the death penalty.


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