Petition Filed Protesting USD 113 Capital Outlay Resolution

(KNZA)--A petition has been filed protesting a capital outlay resolution passed by the Prairie Hills USD 113 Board of Education in May.  Heidi Wolfgang reports
Nemaha County Clerk Mary Kay Schultejans says her office received the petition Monday.

 The resolution would authorize the school board to make a continuous and permanent annual tax levy in an amount not to exceed 8 mills on property in the district.

The Sabetha Herald reports the petition was organized by rural Morrill resident Jim Scoby and Sabetha resident Dr. Allen Ross.  Ross told the newspaper the purpose of the protest petition is to give school district patrons the opportunity to vote on the tax issue.

Superintendent Todd Evans says passage of the resolution alleviates the need for future resolutions regarding capital outlay, and doesn’t obligate the district to levy the entire 8 mills.

Previous resolutions have been for 5 years.  The district is currently under a resolution that allows the board to levy up to 6 mills.  During the 2013-2014 school year, the board levied 5.3 mills.

The school finance bill passed by the Kansas Legislature this year expands what capital outlay funds can be spent on.

Schultejans says her office is currently in the process of verifying the signatures on the petition forms.   She said at least 447 valid signatures must be present for the petition to be deemed valid.

If that happens, the school board would then have the option to decide whether to take the issue to a vote.

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