USD 409 Working On Budget For Next Year

(KAIR)--The Atchison USD Board of Education is taking steps towards putting together a budget for the upcoming year.

Superintendent Susan Myers says officials like to keep the board updated on district finances throughout the year, but a preview of the new budget was presented to them during Monday nights meeting. She says that what they do during the July meeting is basically make educated guesses on how many students will be in seats in September, how many will be in the free lunch program, and how many will be taking vocational classes. She says these are educated guesses because they build the budget before the actual count date, as required by law.

Myers says a decrease in enrollment from last year to this year is expected and this, combined with the local option budget, a total loss of about $160,000 in revenue is expected, but again, this is all speculative since the budget process is still ongoing.

Myers says that the budget will undergo further analysis at the Kansas State Department of Education before it is presented to the board in August.

In other business, the board held their yearly elections for President and Vice President. Current Vice President Herb Gwaltney, was elected to serve as President for the coming year. Gwaltney had been serving temporarily in the role after former President Tim Newkirk resigned last month. Board member Carrie Sowers was elected Vice President for the coming year.

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