Primary Election Tuesday

(KNZA)--Voters will go to the polls Tuesday to decide which candidates should advance to the general election ballot in November.
There are contested races in the Republican primary for 1st District County Commissioner in Brown, Doniphan, Jackson and Nemaha counties.
In Brown County, incumbent Commissioner Steve Roberts is being challenged by Richard Lehmkuhl and Tom Williams.  The winner will face no opposition in November.
In Doniphan County, four candidates are seeking the Republican nomination for 1st District Commissioner.  They include Bill Becker, Timothy Collins, Matthew Dunn and H. James Ruhnke.  The winner will face Democrat W. Brett Neibling in November.  The seat is currently held by David Van Laar who didn’t seek re-election.
In Jackson County, three candidates are seeking the Republican nomination for 1st District Commissioner.  They include Steven Duryea, Rod Ladner and Bob McNicholas. The winner will face incumbent Democrat Ed Katherns during the general election.
In Nemaha County, Incumbent Commissioner Gary Scoby is being challenged by Ernest Lukert in the Republican primary.  The winner will face no opposition in November.
There is also a contested race for 22nd Judicial District Magistrate Judge in Nemaha County in the Republican primary where incumbent Elizabeth Deiter is being challenged by Scott Anson.
In addition, there are primary races for state and federal offices.
The polls will be open Tuesday from 7 in the morning until 7 in the evening.  

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