Atchison Teen Working On Eagle Scout Project

(KAIR)--An Atchison area Boy Scout, hoping to attain the highest rank possible in the organization, is working on a project to make it possible for more American flags to be flown in the city.

16-year-old Devin Lampen's Eagle Scout project is to repair and replace the American Flag brackets on the light poles around the city. He also hopes to replace any flag that have become faded, tattered, and wind torn over the years. Lampen says the newer flags should be more durable:
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Lampen is also raising funds for the purchase of the approximately 140 flags. He says that he hopes to have the flags ready by labor day weekend, so he has to have the flags purchased by August 20th.

If you are interested in helping Devin with his project, just call 913-754-6112.

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