Richardson County Commissioners Approve Budget

(KTNC)--Richardson County Commissioners approved the budget for the next year Tuesday morning.
 The total budget of expenditures amounts to just over $13 million, three-and-a-half percent more than last year.
The tax requirement is approximately $4.3 million, up $280,000 from 2013, while the proposed levy decreased by 7.7-percent to 33.64-cents per $100 of assessed valuation.
Total property valuation in Richardson County increased 16-percent to more than $1.2 billion.
The budget includes an increase in the Road Department, as the county looks to replace a couple of bridges that are deteriorating.
The county also has added money to the Jail budget for additional dispatchers. Money is also set aside for engineering and architectural costs for the county jail project.
The county is also budgeting $500,000 to account for a grant expected that will pay for a new storm shelter at the Boy Scout Camp south of Humboldt.
Commissioners unanimously approved the budget and tax request. They also approved a motion to set the tax rate at different rate than last year.

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