Atchison Prepares For Winter Weather

(KAIR)--With the arrival of colder temperatures in the area, Atchison city officials are hard at work preparing for the snow that could eventually make its way to the city.

City Public Works and Utilities Director Justin Pregont says that snowfall is not something you can really be ready for, but they are certainly prepared to handle it when it does come saying that “All of our trucks are equipped, everything is in working order, all the spreaders are in the backs of the trucks, we are fully loaded on salt and sand...and all of our people are aware that winter weather is upon us, looking like sometime in the next week”.

In the event of a major snowfall, Pregont says city snowplows do have a plan on which streets get plowed when, as there are primary and secondary snow routes. All of the highways are of the highest priority, followed by Main Street, Division Street, and Second Street.
Pregont adds that plow operators are highly skilled at getting roads cleared as quickly as possible, and advises motorists to give them the room they need to get the job done.

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