Henry Meets With Atchison Co Commission

(KAIR)--Democratic State Representative Jerry Henry took some time to meet with the Atchison County Commission Tuesday afternoon before the start of the new legislative session next week.

Henry started by addressing the budget, saying that the projected loss of $1-billion in revenue has to be made up somehow. Either they have to find some revenue, or make more cuts.  He says that rural areas in particular have to be concerned with the potential lack of funding that could be coming. However, for any solution to be found, people have to be aware of what can happen to a community if less money comes in.

Commission Chair Jeff Schuele told Henry that he thought one problem was with the way the government was structured, saying that in order to provide services to their residents, they need to restructure. Commissioner Mike Bodenhausen agreed, though added that this was something that had to be eased into, and could not be done overnight.

State Senator Dennis Pyle and State Representative Randy Garber were invited to the meeting, but were unable to attend.

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