USD 409 To Feel Effects Of New School Funding Plan

(KAIR)--A bill proposed last week by Kansas State Legislators would replace the state's current formula for distributing aid to schools with block grants. Supporters say it will provide stable funding while a new formula is worked out.

However, USD 409 Superintendent Susan Myers says the new plan will actually hurt her district in that they “will be losing $167,400 in state aid between two funds, the supplemental fund and the capital outlay outlay is what allows us repair buildings, allows us to buy equipment and technology and things like that. Supplemental general is basically a general fund that goes to do many things, pay teachers, hire's the bread and butter of a school system.”

Myers says the school board does have a plan to make adjustments to their budget if needed, “we have choices of reductions or cuts or using cash, or a combination. We have done this before, and obviously, we will be doing it again. Anytime you can't grow your district, because of lack of funds, it effects you long term.”

Myers adds that KPERS does make it appear as though the district is receiving more money than it actually is. She says that “if you look at some of the spreadsheets from the state's prospective, it looks like 409 and other school districts are getting quite a bit of money, but's coming in the form of KPERS. KPERS hits our books, it's a wire transfer, it hits for a hour, a day at the most, and then goes right back.”

The plan would allow districts to continue to raise local property tax dollars to supplement the state aid they receive.

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  KS_Referee  (03/12/2015 4:21 AM)

   I think Superintendent Susan Myers is confused on what the school districts actual purpose is. The purpose of our school district, just like every other district in the nation is to teach children. The purpose and goals of the district has NEVER been to ...grow your district... Our school district is NOT a business where the intent is to grow the business. Our district does not need to continually operate on the pretense that we must constantly spend more, build more, buy more, etc., while conveniently leaving out the purpose of teaching kids. Superintendent Susan Myers is a perfect example of what is wrong with our government at ALL levels. She has become side tracked with nonsense that doesnt matter to anyone but a politician seeking to pad their legacy or resume. Superintendent Susan Myers needs to find a job more suited to her mindset, or any other job as long as it isnt wasting our tax dollars by seeking to grow our school district instead of focusing on teaching our children.