Fireworks Could Affect Some Veterans

(Missouri Net)-- Doctors say Independence Day can be stressful for those who have fought for the freedom it celebrates. 

The sound of fireworks can prompt traumatic memories for many men and women who have served in war. Dr. Thomas Demark with the Kansas City Veterans Administration Medical Center says the Fourth of July is, in part, a time to honor those in uniform, but it can be a difficult period for veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder.

Firecrackers may sound like small arms fire to some veterans while the larger ones may even sound like mortars or explosions.

The triggers also may depend on how close veterans are to fireworks displays.  If you know you have veterans in your neighborhood, you are encouraged to be respectful and ignite your fireworks away from their homes if possible. 

Demark say p-t-s-d can cause increased anxiety, irritability, anger and can trigger flashbacks. 


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