Amelia Earhart Festival A Success

(KAIR)--The nineteenth annual Amelia Earhart Festival is in the books, and event organizers are considering the event a success.

Festival Coordinator Jacque Pregont says she is very happy with how the festival turned out. “I think everything went great, it was a great festival. I'm really tired today. If how tired I am is any indication, then we had a great weekend. Everything went really well, really happy with how everything went. Not any real serious issues that I have heard about yet. Our Pioneering Achievement Award...Sophia was wonderful. The luncheon was great. Downtown, the crowds were good.”

Pregont adds there was a bit of concern regarding the weather. She says that she “ was afraid that the heat and humidity might keep people away, but we had really good  crowds downtown all day. We avoided the rain with the activities that we were doing. I feel really, really bad for public works guys because they picked up Saturday and Sunday in the rain, which is just awful. But we are so apprecietive of everything that they do, and all the help that the city gave department, police department, all of them just worked so hard, and it's not fun in the heat like that. They are all so helpful and so wonderful.”

Pregont says planning for next year's event has already started, and organizers have several special events in mind for the twentieth annual festival.

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