Hammes Elected USD 115 Board President

(KMZA)--The Nemaha Central USD 115 Board of Education held their first meeting of the new fiscal year Monday evening. 

Jason Hammes was elected board president for the 2015-16 school year and Owen Zinke, vice-president.

It was the first meeting for Joe Reitz, who was elected to the board in April to replace Roger Hermesh who didn’t seek re-election.

In other business, the Board approved for publication a proposed 2015-16 budget that calls for a 4-tenths of a mill decrease in the property tax levy. The budget contains an estimated tax rate of 41.085 mills, which is to generate $2.7 million.

The board will consider adoption of the budget following a public hearing at their August 10th meeting.

There will not be a cheerleading squad at the Nemaha Central High School for the 2015-16 school year.  High School Athletic Director Warren Sietz said only three students attended a cheerleading meeting, and that’s not enough to have a squad.

And Seitz said the new press box at the football field is almost complete.  The only work left is to install the drywall inside the structure.  The new press box is being built with 90 percent volunteer labor.

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