Atchison Prepares For Fall Cleanup

(KAIR)--Atchison residents will have an opportunity this weekend to dispose of some clutter in their home, and at the same time, help to beautify the city.

The city is preparing to hold it's annual fall cleanup event this Saturday from 8:00am to noon.

Chairperson for the Atchison Beautification Committee Rita Hartman says curbside pickup of lawn waste will again be available though “you have to have all your brush and stuff four foot or below in length. Go out and trim your branches off and get them down to three foot and lay them in a pile, and then put that in a separate pile than [any] other stuff you want us to pick up, because we have one truck that will come around and pick up your leaves, your brush, your tree limbs, and then we have another truck that comes around, and he will pick up your old mattresses.”

Appliances will also be picked up, but if you are disposing of a refrigerator or an air conditioner, Hartman says that it has to be tagged, showing that a certified technician has removed the freon from the appliance.

If you would prefer hauling the waste yourself, Hartman says there has been a drop off site designated at the 1100 block of Main Street to accept it. “Bring your furniture and stuff and we have trucks that will be sitting right there, and they will help you get it off and everything, and get it there. We will do plastic and newspaper, and furniture...we have a group coming in, they are going to recycle, and they are also going to do computer equipment, but on the computer equipment, you gotta keep in mind, you have to take your information off there, you erase your hard drive.”

Hartman says that volunteers are also needed. “We can use anyone for a volunteer...adults, kids. I know that right now is a great time because school just started, and all the kids are needing their hours to get their certificates. So come on down, let us know that you are a student, and we will fill out the form for you. All volunteers will come to the Chamber of Commerce Saturday morning by 8:o0.”

If you would like to schedule a pickup, volunteer, or have any questions, please call the Atchison Area Chamber of Commerce at 913-367-2427.

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