U.S. Beef Processing Considered Safe

(KAIR)--An article ran recently in a leading publication questioned the safety of beef processing in the United States. However, while contamination is possible, experts say that is highly unlikely.

Kansas State University Meat Scientist Travis O'Quinn  says all beef that reaches consumers is safe because it's highly regulated by the USDA Food Safety and Inspection Service. He says that “all of the standards that go into effect for traditionally, conventionally raised product are also applied to any other form of  production system as well. And because of that, we can ensure the food safety throughout.”

O'Quinn says the biggest risk of food borne illness from ground beef occurs once the consumer takes it home. He says “a lot of the time consumers do not take a lot of responsibility for mishandling raw meat products in their own home.  One of the biggest things is cross contamination-using some of the same utensils or plates that they used with the raw product on the cooked product. That's the number one location for cross contamination does result in food borne illness.”

O'Quinn says a food thermometer-not looking at it or touching it-should be used to ensure that ground beef has reached a safe minimal internal temperature  of 160 degrees Fahrenheit.


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